IBLL is following the HEC (Pakistan) policies regarding Turnitin Originality Report and Plagiarism.
Zero tolerance Policy on Plagiarism issue. IBLL aims for original script having 18 or below 18 % Turnitin Originality Report.
HEC relevant Weblinks:

Plagiarism Policy

The little book of plagiarism

Turnitin Guidelines

Tips for avoiding plagiarism

  • Cite all your sources, whether you have read or heard them,
  • Keep full records of every source of information you use including the date you accessed electronic resources,
  • Place quotation marks around any words you copy verbatim and credit the source,
  • Use your own words when summarizing or paraphrasing someone else’s words–but don’t forget–you will still need to reference it!
  • Make sure you check with your Journal which referencing system they want you to use