1. The manuscripts are required to be written with 12 font sizes in Times New Roman font style. The line spacing should be 1.15 (one) with a 1-inch margin of the page from all sides.
  2. The font size for the title of the article should be 14 (fourteen) and bold.
  3. Abstract and keywords, along with their headings, should be in 12 (twelve).
  4. Authors' names and affiliations should be written also in 10.
  5. The entire content of the article should be in 12. The font style for the manuscript is required to be ‘Times New Roman.'
  6. The heading should be bold and indicated in the article with initial capital letters bold and 14 (fourteen).
  7. The first paragraph after each heading should be indentation. If the heading contains more than one section, after the first paragraph following sections should be with indentation.
  8. The title of the manuscript is required to be bold and in upper case.
  9. The detail of the authorship is required to be given on the title page along with their email and affiliations (department, university, city, and country)
  10. The authorship is required to be given in the same order as you want them to appear in the published paper. No change in the order of the authorship is made later.
  11. The whole manuscript, with references, is required to be typed single-spaced on one side of the paper.
  12. All pages should be numbered consecutively in the bottom right starting from the title page.

The following Templates are required to be followed before reproducing tables and figures from supplementary sources:

  1. Figure numbers are required to be in order, i.e., Figure 1, Figure 2. Figures with multipart should be labelled as Figure 1(a)
  2. All the tables and figures are required to be incorporated according to APA format (6th edition)
  3. The table number and title should be mentioned above the table, whereas the figure number and title should be at the bottom of the figure.
  4. Ensure double-checking the references for consistency with the text of the article.
  5. References are required to be indented without space.
  1. Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors. All figures should be in high resolution and readable. Authors are encouraged to submit the original format and file of the figures (not an image) if they are created using other software.
  2. Number tables consecutively and use table numbers when refereeing to a table (Table 1, Tables
  3. Use uppercase and lowercase letters for the title of the tables. The table caption must briefly explain the contents of the table.

Note: The manuscripts that are not prepared in the light of the above-mentioned guidelines may be reverted to the author before reviewing for correction.

For Guidelines to submit your article via OJS Click here

The manuscript for publication is required to be submitted in the following order:


The title of the manuscript is required to be a brief-phrase and in capitalized words that describe the contents of the paper. It should be in Times Roman, bold-face, 14-point and centre. The Title Page should include the authors' full names and affiliations, the name of the corresponding author along with phone, fax, and E-mail information.

Author Name(s): Forename Middle, Family name Roman, Capital and Center 12-point Department Affiliation and University Affiliation Italic, Upper Lower and Center    12- point

E-mail address   Italic and Center 12-point


The manuscript must be in 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1.15 spacing. The page size MUST be set to Letter (8-1/2”x11”) on the “Page Setup” of your Word screen. The text should be in one column.  The length of the manuscript must be between 4000 and 8000 words excluding the title page and references.


The abstract of all the manuscripts should not exceed 200-300 words. The abstract should clearly describe the scope, methods, data collection and its tools, framework, hypothesis or rationale for the work, and the main findings in complete sentences, active verbs. The abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited.

HEADING in boldface font and left indent 12- point. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. The article must include the title and abstract in English.


Only 5-7 Keywords are required to be given under the abstract.


Section Heads/Primary Heading left indent, bold, 14-point and capitalized each letter



Sub-section heads or secondary headings or second-level headings should be bold-faced, 11-point in upper and lower case. For subsection heads, a word like “the” or “a” is not capitalized unless it is the first word of the header.


This segment should contain adequate background information, and provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, the proposed method or elucidation, and the knowledge gap. The aims of the manuscript should be clearly stated. It should be comprehensible to colleagues from a wide-ranging collection of disciplines. It should be written in 12, Times Roman.


 The literature review should be in a comprehensive review form that gives the information of the literature available related to the given research. It should be a summary, analysis, and evaluation of the literature and an explanation of what research has already been performed in that particular domain. It should be written in 12, Times Roman.


This should be complete enough to provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be repeated by others. However, only truly new procedures should be described in detail; previously published procedures should be cited, and important modifications of published procedures should be mentioned briefly. Methodology and framework in general use need not be described in detail. It should be written in 12, Times Roman.


The discussion should consider the results in relation to any hypotheses advanced in the Introduction and place the study in the context of other work. The Results and Discussion sections can be combined. It should be written in 12, Times Roman.


Results should be given in a rational sequence in the text, tables, and figures; repetitive demonstration of similar data in diverse forms should be escaped. The results should not comprise a material suitable for the Discussion. It should be written in the past tense when describing findings in the authors' experiments. Results should be explained, but largely without referring to the literature. It should be written in 12, Times Roman.


The content of this section should not significantly match the abstract. It should be written in 12, Times Roman.


Authors are directed to follow APA (American Psychological Association) References style while giving references

If the author is an organization or a government agency, mention the organization in the signal phrase the first time you cite the source. World Health Organization. (2020).

If the organization has a well-known abbreviation, you may include the abbreviation in brackets the first time the source is cited and then use only the abbreviation in latter citations. First citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020) Second citation (WHO, 2020)

The list of References shall be arranged in alphabetical order of the last name of the first-named author for more than one author. Do not number them. Please refer to and follow the APA Style 7th ed.

Footnotes where possible should be avoided. However, it can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. They should not consist solely of a reference citation, and they should never include the bibliographic details of a reference. They should also not contain any figures or tables

For Journal Article

Simon, A. (2000). Perceptual comparisons through the mind’s eye. Memory & Cognition, 23, 635-647.

For Book

Flynn, J.R. (2007). What is intelligence? Beyond the Flynn effect. Cambridge: Cambridge

                   University Press.

For Chapter in a book or entry in a reference book

Nunes, T. (2002). The role of systems of signs in reasoning. In T. Brown & L. Smith (Eds.), 

                   Reductionism and the development of knowledge (pp. 133-158). Mawah, NJ: Erlbaum. 

Journal article with DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Brown, L.s. (2018). Feminist therapy (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.


For Journal articles without DOI

VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the section of 

resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123.           http://jbr.org/articles.html

Unpublished dissertation or thesis

Author, A.A. (2012). Title of doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis (Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis). Name of Institution, Location.

Conference Sessions, Papers, and Posters

Pearson, J. (2018, September 27-30). Fat talk and its effects on state-based body image in women [Poster presentation]. Australian Psychological Society Congress, Sydney, NSW, Australia. http://bit.ly/2XGSThP


Any acknowledgements by the author may appear here. The Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc should be brief and concise. For example:

Single grant- This work was supported by the __________ (Name of the Grant) _________ (Grant number, year).

Multiple grants- separated by comma and space.

This work was supported by the Name of the Grant1 [grant numbers xxx, year]; Name of the  

Grant2 [grant number yyy, year]; and Name of the Grant3 [grant number aaa, year].